Holidy Inn Paris - Porte De Clicy
August 4 - 8, 2016
Rooms are 130 Euro for 2 people. Reservations can be made by e-mailing lo@hiparisclichy.com
Because there is such a huge need for more information and support in Europe, we work with other ACDHO organizations to bring resources to more families there by holding our conference in Europe every other year (and American conferences in between).
Please register every member of your family to attend. Attendance is free.
Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2016-international-congenital-diaphragmatic-hernia-conference-tickets-25801962364
Speakers this year:
- David Kays, MD
- CHERUBS (International)
- Stichting Hernia Diafragmatica (Netherlands)
- APEDHia (France)
- Hernie Diaphragmatique - groupe de soutien (France)
- La vida con Hernia Diafragmática Congénita (Spain)
- More to be listed soon!